
I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to CIS Senior School, part of a co-educational private school founded in 2003. CIS is an institution where passion for academic excellence, progress and achievement, as well as the development of the whole child ensures our students achieve to the best of their ability, often exceeding it.

For the past 15 years, CIS Senior School has grown in the tradition of nurturing academic brilliance. This is reflected in our students having high expectations of themselves, developing their talents, and realising their true potential by consistently attaining outstanding results.

Our students are aspirational and curious learners with a desire for individual and collective brilliance. Our academic and pastoral staff consists of a dedicated team who work together to nurture the curiosity and aspiration of all students.

The culture of our School is one that ensures learning is not simply confined to the physical and virtual classrooms. We offer a broad range of enrichment activities and educational visits to allow our students explore new interests and make the most of all the wonderful opportunities available to them. We aim to encourage talent in all its forms and to open doors to enquiry and discovery.

The collective team effort in Senior School helps ensure the highest levels of support for our students. As a school family, we provide an inspiring and supportive environment for children. All our students are encouraged to be the best they can be, and all our students are encouraged by our team to live happy and productive lives.

With strong commitment to the highest international standard and respect for our community, and the outstanding academic and pastoral excellence our school is renowned for, I am proud to be Head of CIS Senior School. I look forward to working with you as a part of our successful CIS family.

I’m proud to say that I did not simply pass through CIS Senior School.

I’m proud to say that I did not survive, but I thrived and bloomed.

KS4 student