
Our enrichment programme enables our students to expand their skills, abilities and interests beyond the classroom curriculum. To achieve this, we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities that enhance classroom learning, further developing knowledge acquired with opportunities to apply skills learned. Our enrichment activities include lunchtime activities, after-school clubs and societies, international and local educational visits, school events, and competitions.


Lunchtime Activities

  • Chess Club: Students master the game of chess and prepare to participate in local and international chess competitions.
  • Book Club and Creative Writing: Students expand and elevate their thinking by reading highly recommended books. They also get the skills and training to participate in local and international writing competitions.
  • Green Team: This club focuses on environmental friendliness as a part of the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Students in this society have the opportunity to participate in the global social leaders competition.


After School Activities

  • Art: Students are encouraged to express their artistic creativity and also prepare for the art exhibitions and competitions.
  • Debate and Press: These clubs encourage students to keep abreast of recent happenings, form intelligent opinions, and share ideas. They are also given the opportunity to participate in the debate competitions.
  • ICT:  This includes coding, robotics and animation. These societies help children to advance their technological skills. It also gives them the opportunity to participate in the coding challenge.
  • Film School: This includes filmmaking, drama, media and photography. Children in these clubs have the opportunity to participate in film awards and festivals.
  • Business and Enterprise (Forbes) Club: This club is for young businessmen and women who desire to have an early introduction into the world of entrepreneurship. Students are armed with the knowledge they need to succeed in the business place and are encouraged to create products and services that can change the world. Students in this club will be given the opportunity of having talks with successful men and women from the world of business.
  • Sports: This club involves all sporting activities like football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, lawn and table tennis. It gives students more time to prepare and perform outstandingly in the world school games.
  • Design and Technology: This includes the cookery club, woodwork and dressmaking club.
  • International Award for Young People in Nigeria (Duke of Edinburgh International Award): The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is a well structured programme which seeks to give young people of ages 14 to 24 the opportunity to participate in character development exercises where they form necessary skills to excel as individuals in life.
  • Volt Club: CIS Volt Club is a student-led club that aims to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged members of our immediate community and host country. Our mission is to create opportunities for people to volunteer to make a change by ‘giving back’ to humanity and touching hearts and lives meaningfully. More about us can be viewed here: www.voltclub.org

The great Dr Seuss remarked “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory,” And I dare say that CIS has left me with remarkable memories and lessons that will last a lifetime.

KS4 Student