
CIS follows the National Curriculum for England and in our Senior School, we provide a holistic education, in which students are encouraged to aim for the highest standards to secure their own academic excellence. Year after year, our IGCSE students attain well beyond their predicted potential. 

The use of educational technology is extremely strong in our school with various software and resources employed across all academic subjects and used to enhance our academic provision. STEAM departments inspire true ingenuity and opportunities to both challenge existing principles and explore new concepts.


The Curriculum at Key Stage 3

This key stage includes the year groups of Years 7 – 9. During these formative years, students learn across a variety of departments, some of which will be very new to them. We have 11 departments, and students study 15 subjects in total. There are three additional extended curriculum subjects which are also timetabled to improve literacy, the performing arts and innovation. Exams are written in Term 1 and Term 3 in fourteen subjects with regular continuous assessments throughout the academic year. Subjects at Key Stage 3 include Art, Design and Technology, Drama, English, French, Geography, History, Information Communications Technology, Maths, Music, Personal Social Health Economic Education, Physical Education (land based and swimming), Religious Education, Science and Spanish.


The Curriculum at Key Stage 4

Students in Year 10 and Year 11 follow the IGCSE specification for Pearson Edexcel. We offer core subjects, core options, and elective option subjects. There are 28 subjects available within eight areas of discipline and these include English, Humanities, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, the (Performing) Arts, Physical Education, and Social Sciences. Of the 26 subjects on offer from Year 10, 24 of them are exam subjects. Students can also choose Extra English or Extra Maths to boost their literacy and numeracy skills.

Our academic rigour is designed to stretch and challenge our students and this leads to outstanding performances for our students, including those who are entered for early entry IGCSE exams.

 Programmes of Study (PoS) 
Year 11 PoS Year 8 PoS
Year 10 PoS Year 7 PoS
Year 9 PoS  


I’m proud to say that I did not simply pass through CIS Senior School.

I’m proud to say that I did not survive, but I thrived and bloomed.

KS4 student